As twilight descends, the tranquil landscapes of Earth become battlegrounds in the face of an alien invasion. Armed with advanced weaponry, you take on the role of Earth's heroic defender against relentless waves of extraterrestrial forces.

Gameplay Features:

  • Wave-Based Survival: Brace yourself for relentless waves of alien attackers across five intense battlegrounds: a bustling market, serene garden, Wild West town, perilous rooftops, and dense forest.
  • Strategic Defense: Utilize tactical positioning and resource management to survive each wave. Upgrade your arsenal and fortify defenses between waves to withstand increasingly ferocious assaults.
  • Dynamic Environments: From crowded market alleys to wide-open garden paths, each level offers unique challenges and opportunities for strategic gameplay.

Can you endure the relentless onslaught, defend Earth's key locations, and thwart the alien invasion? Prepare for non-stop action and strategic challenges in this thrilling wave-based PS1-era first person shooter

(Submission for the 32bit Summer Games 2024 Game Jam)

Development log


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Fun game guys, I like the vibes the music and graphics gave.


This was so fun! I loved how them maps ranged from simple to very in depth. I always love the look and feel of these kinds of games. I click shooting was fun and different and my favorite map was the rooftops. Great work and good luck on your jam!

I played you game at 12:08 if anyone wants to see:

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for playing the game. I'm glad you loved it. I'm surprised that you got over 200 kills on the rooftops map. I always only got to 100 kills.